Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pep Talk: "Healing Be Done"

I don’t know if it’s just me, perhaps others feel the same, but revelations - ever had one? - can be frightening.

Ya know, those moments in life where it becomes crystal clear what needs to be done? It might concern a relationship, profession, habit or whatever. While certainly the venues vary the reaction to the revelation should, there are exceptions to every rule, rarely diversify. We need to take action.

This aging jock is in the middle of one of those “revelatory” moments in life. It’s become crystal clear the mission of Victory Productions: to encourage others to achieve goals and overcome challenges. I have few skills, just ask my kids or Eric Goodman, my co-host of The Odd Couple: Afternoon Drive with Mac and Goodman. I can’t sing, dress fashionably or sit still very long. But I do believe, based upon life’s experiences, this simple dude from Missouri can encourage others to achieve goals and overcome challenges. Now the trick is learning how to make a living from a calling.

Part of that process involves Victory providing small businesses, through partnerships with Mile High Sports, CBS4 Denver and its own networks, platforms to market and promote good products, services and service to community. It’s Victory’s mission to help businesses achieve their goals. In addition, it’s our mission to help these hard-working men and women deal with the unexpected and unwanted challenges life throws our way in pursuit of goals. Illness, injury, relationship meltdown, child sickness and other unwanted and unexpected experiences tend to foil our best laid plans, right?

I’ve got one right now when it comes to relationship meltdown. It’s frustrating and sad. Christmas morning I left another voice message on my buddy’s phone. Used to be such effort would trigger, if he didn’t pick it up immediately, a return call shortly thereafter. Not anymore.

What makes this situation so frustrating and sad is, I don’t know why. This is a middle-aged man who become a “brother from another mother” during our undergraduate days at Mizzou. Man, did we have some fun, what we remember, in one of America’s great college towns, Columbia, Missouri. Digressing a bit here, but for folks reading this musing who have young kids you like to sing songs with? The University of Missouri fight song is kinda long but real fun to sing. It’s one of the first songs my kids learned to sing at an early age. Same for a neighbor’s daughter who would usually sing with them. That young lady now attends Mizzou and is studying journalism. Sure makes Uncle Mac proud.

Anyway, back to the point of the Pep Talk. There is pain from a fractured relationship with a dude near and dear to my heart. Occasionally, there is a voice or email message, in an apologetic tone, stating “I’ll call you soon and explain.” I’m waiting and occasionally reach out to him with “I hope we can talk soon.”

I’m grieving for a cherished relationship. We’ve all been there haven’t we? Those times from life - home, work and elsewhere - leaving us wondering, “What the heck is going on around here?”

This is where your humble correspondent must practice what he preaches: understand we’re not alone. That’s why I’m sharing this with you. I know there are many of you in challenging situations right now. Things ain’t going as planned and it sucks. We need to rally around one another. We need to give hope and confidence to one another that as former CU basketball coach Ricardo Patton loved to say, “This too shall pass.”

As we rally around one another and encourage each other to turn life’s lemons into - heck with lemonade - sweet and savory margaritas, perhaps we could focus on this: In our desire to help each other, keep good thoughts in noggin’ those who are the focus of our attention can experience healing despite the challenge.

We know the challenges will call. As Frank Sinatra sang so famously “That’s Life. “ But as the rock group Journey also sang famously, “Don’t Stop Believin’.” Relationships become fractured, that’s life. They can be healed, don’t stop believing. It’s true. The big question for us, at least my opinion, is this: Will we have strength for the journey? Strength to continue to believe there’s hope for thawing relations stuck in deep freeze? 

It doesn’t take much effort to dial a cell phone and call someone in Prairie Village, Kansas but it’s my constant effort to answer the above question in the affirmative. This week make it yours and let’s encourage one another that healing be done.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

Carl F. said...


As a young athlete, father, and employee I am always striving to be better and I sure appreciate the pep talks. I featured one of my favorite pep talks on my blog recently. I invite you and others to visit!

Thanks again!


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