Monday, July 13, 2009

"Hang On"

It’s Sunday but thanks to new laws in Colorado, I’m standing in line at the liquor store waiting to pay for a cold six-pack of beer. The lady in front of me turns and says, “Happy Father’s Day.”

I responded, “Hey thanks, I heard that from you before either one of my kids.” She laughed and then said one more thing before departing: “It’s Father’s Day for me too. I raise three kids on my own and play mom and dad.”

Her matter-of-fact statement really got me to thinking as I jumped in the car and departed for a relaxing afternoon of watching, with my neighbor buddy, golf and baseball on television. Today, there are too many women in our country who, because men have decided parenting is not a priority, face the challenge of trying to raise kids on their own. There are also men in our country who are raising kids on their own because women have decided parenting is not a priority. I know that, but there’s not nearly as many.

As the Comeback Coach, whenever presenting Run to Daylight: Transforming Life’s Lemons into Margaritas, when talking about effectively handling change, challenge and adversity, I encourage others to not become a victim of circumstance, instead become a student of experience. I also encourage others experiencing unwanted and unexpected change – not too many people say, I’m wanna be a single parent – to be wary of longing for someone you once were – married – when life is calling you to somebody you’ve never been – performing mom and dad duty.

It’s not easy and requires tremendous sacrifice. But don’t feel like you’re alone. There are many others in the same boat and there are resources available to help. In Denver, one resource for mothers raising families on their own is The WilLiv Center, This Friday, I will be presenting Run to Daylight at a fundraiser for the organization. I hope you might be able to join us for a night of inspiration, entertainment and education.

Often in life, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in situations we detest. We’re in spots that make trapped in a pit with a bunch of rattlesnakes far more appealing. We’ve all been there. So, the question becomes, what the heck are we gonna do about it?

This week, when the going gets tough and you want to quit, remember this profound Norwegian proverb: A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer

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